Meet Chobani® Gimmies™

  • Milkshakes

    Drinkable yogurt in kids' favorite milkshake flavors.

  • Crunch

    Mix-in fun made with only natural ingredients and packed with protein.

  • Tubes

    Freezable, squeezable yogurt tubes in the perfect lunchbox size.

Pack a nutritious lunchbox

Nutrition is all about balance. Packing your child’s lunch box with items from various food groups can help provide them with the fuel they need to perform their best throughout the day. As a dairy choice with only natural ingredients, Chobani® Gimmies™ contains probiotics that support gut health, calcium that builds strong bones, and protein that keeps kids satisfied. Add a vegetable like baby carrots for vitamin C, a fibrous fruit or grain that aids digestion, and naturally smoked turkey roll-ups for added protein and B vitamins, and you’ve got a superpowered spread for your super kid!